VIII Jornada do NEI - Spaces, Places and Psychogeographies of Ireland

VIII Jornada do NEI - Psychogeographies of Ireland

Spaces change over time. They may change due to climatic disasters, war, gentrification, or economic crises or booms, to name but a few reasons. Spaces also become places once they are embedded with affect and cultural signification, to paraphrase from Denise Lawrence-Zuniga (2017). In the specific case of Irish Studies, Gerry Smyth (2001) has stated that the interest in “the Irish local place” persists. The study of spaces has its origins in geography, but is here extended and applied to the study of the arts and literature. In the 8th edition of UFSC’s Irish Studies Forum, guest speakers will dwell on how certain spaces in both Ireland and Northern Ireland have changed over time. How have they been shaped so that they become places of affect, memory, or trauma? How are they represented in Irish literature, drama, and cinema?

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