Writing and publishing scientific papers

Turma A

This course teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students to become more effective writers of scientific papers in English, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include principles of effective writing, organization tips for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review. Course Format: In five weeks, we will review principles of effective writing, examples of good and bad writing, and tips for making the writing process easier. The course will embrace all steps of the scientific writing process from setting study objectives up to the paper publication, including ethical aspects. Students will watch video lectures, complete quizzes and perform exercises. Lastly, they will write a short scientific paper article in English with their own data (if not available, data will be supplied by the course instructors) by applying the skills attained in the course. Course Syllabus Week 1 – Introduction. What is scientific writing and what are its objectives? Planning your manuscript. Organizing your data for streamlining the writing process. Time management. Week 2 – Structure of scientific papers and information required in each section: title, summary, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, graphical abstract. Order of manuscript elaboration. Elaborating tables, figures and supplementary material. Cover letter and suggesting potential reviewers. Week 3 – Principles of effective writing: verbs; how to write better sentences and paragraphs. Issues in scientific writing (plagiarism, authorship, ghostwriting, reproducible research). Week 4 – The publication process. Selecting an appropriate Journal and paper submission. Revising and resubmitting a manuscript based on reviewers´ comments. Page proofs. How to conduct a peer review. Week 5 - Study case. Concluding remarks and course evaluation. Class A: 01/06/21 to 09/07/21. Class B: 12/07/21 to 20/08/21.


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