Digital transformation in education: approaching immigrant teachers and native digital students.

Digital transformation in education: approaching immigrant teachers and native digital students - B

The course aims to present and reflect on how the digital transformation has had a strong influence on education. The first module will deal with the themes of digital culture in education. In the second module, the themes of digital inclusion of teachers and students and topics such as gamification, active methodologies and the Internet of Things will be addressed. In the third module, some innovative digital technologies in education will be presented, such as virtual teaching and learning environments, repositories of open educational resources, online teaching tools and the influence of social and virtual networks in education. In the fourth and last module is the final activity with the sharing of innovative practices in education. This course has 40 hours of synchronous and asynchronous interactive activities on MOODLE. This course is promoted by PROEX / SINTER / SEAD / SEPLAN and by the Media and Knowledge Laboratory (LABMIDIA), of the Science, Technology and Health Center (CTS) of the Campus Araranguá of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

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