Palestra do PPGOceano: "Ecology and Biology of benthic foraminifera: implication in biogeochemical cycles"

Felipe M. Pimenta

Emmanuelle Geslin e Edouard Metzger (University of Angers). Abstract: "Foraminifera are among the most abundant unicellular organisms in the modern ocean and they act as ecological indicators of different environmental conditions such as food availability, oxygen, salinity, and pollutants. Studies of living foraminiferal assemblages provide a wealth of information about their roles in coastal environments. This seminar will be divided in three parts. The first one will be showed the ecology of benthic foraminifera in coastal environment, illustrated by the case study of Arcachon Bassin. The second part will address the ecological and biological response of benthic foraminifera to low oxygen conditions: in situ and experimental approaches. The last one will be about kleptoplastidy of benthic foraminifera".

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